“O Polakach ratujących Żydów było zdecydowanie zbyt cicho”

O Polakach ratujących Żydów podczas II wojny światowej było zdecydowanie zbyt cicho, dlatego ufam, że wniesiony przeze mnie projekt ustawy o ustanowieniu 17 marca Narodowym Dniem Pamięci Polaków ratujących Żydów podczas II wojny światowej zostanie uchwalony przez Sejm, co będzie istotnym bodźcem do kontynuowania, a zarazem zintensyfikowania koniecznej pracy na rzecz upamiętnienia polskich bohaterów – napisał w liście do uczestników Międzynarodowej Konferencji „Pamięć i Nadzieja” prezydent Andrzej Duda.  List odczytał minister Adam Kwiatkowski.


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A Letter from Edward Wojciech Jesman, President and National Director of PAC of Southern California

Edward Wojciech Jeśman
President & National Director
PAC of Southern California


A MESSAGE TO MY ENGLISH SPEAKING FRIENDS! Dear Friends! Please do not trust your official media stories of Poland being overrun by 60,000+ fascists, racists, Nazis and other far right elements. Such claims are false and baseless. To see how Warsaw Independence Day March of 2017 really looked like please click on the link enclosed below. No burning cars! No vandalism! No arrests! Instead you see: Deep pride! Love of the country! Real sense of community and overriding patriotism! Appreciation of our long and rich history and culture!… Unfortunately, large number of media sources in the United States has branded the celebrations commemorating the 99th anniversary of the Poland’s Independence of November 11, 2017 as a social and political menace full of unchecked nationalism, racism, fascism and Nazism. Media channels have edited their footage of the march in ways, which completely misrepresented its character and further enhanced their “reporting” with highly distorted commentary full of unsubstantiated claims of violence and insinuations of alleged general mayhem perpetrated by the marchers. Multi-generational, patriotic participants, full of pride and love of the country, have been belittled, disparaged and unfairly labeled with onslaught of appalling and engineered fake news overflowing with obvious anti-Polish bias. The deliberate mischaracterizations of Poland and her people, create an untrue and unacceptable image of Poland as a backward country overrun by fascists. The dissemination of an image of Poland as a country full of bigotry, intolerance, racial bias, xenophobia and antisemitism clashes with the facts. Nothing in fact could be further from the truth. Poland is a modern, economically, socially and politically developed country. She is safe to live in and known around for her hospitality. Media reporting, full of falsehoods and absurd exaggerations, truly pains us, Poles, because it not only tries to undermine Poland ‘s sovereignty and eliminate our traditional values but also tries to establish and propagate bad image of Poles and Polish Americans. Media’s conduct in obvious way institutes, condones and perpetrates anti-Polish bias and amounts to hate speech. We Poles are astonished, shocked and angered by the scope and intensity of the most recent anti-Polish propaganda campaign, which is directed at nothing less than the suppression and elimination of Polish sovereignty and Polish way of life. Needless to say that we view media’s anti-Polish agenda as hostile, political, unprincipled, intellectually flawed, professionally dishonest and morally and legally corrupt. Such continued conduct is absolutely unacceptable. Their actions are widely viewed as harmful and damaging to the interests and safety of Poland, Poles and the Polish-American community of the United States… Edward WojciechJeśman



PAC-MI President responds to Detroit News bias reporting

It is obvious that Monday’s Detroit News online article reporting on the Independence March in Poland, which took place on 11-11-17 reflected, in orientation and emphasis, political preferences and not reality on the ground.  The Independence March’s main theme “We want God”, proclaimed by the first huge banner at the head of the march, was difficult to miss.  A huge crowd of 60,000 people gathered to manifest their patriotism, love of the country, and growing pride in being Polish.  There were some banners out of place and there was a swift reaction of governmental officials, predictably unreported by the media.  Three hours later Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture of Poland, Professor Piotr Glinski, and on Monday, President of Poland Andrzej Duda, as well as the Chairman of the ruling party PIS, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, stated clearly that several out of context signs noted by the leftist media are considered by the authorities as a provocation against Poland.


We are still waiting patiently for the day when reporting about events in Poland becomes accurate and balanced and free of self-serving political prejudices.


Ann Bankowski,


Polish American Congress

Michigan Division

Polish American organizations react to racist remarks on Saturday Night Live

Polish American organizations joined in on the protests demanding apology from the producers of the popular comedy show Saturday Night Live, which in the episode aired on November 4, included a racist remarks about Polish Americans, as well as allowed its host for this SNL episode, comedian Larry David, to make distasteful jokes about picking up women at Nazi concentration camps.

Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski, the President of the Piast Institute issued a demand to NBC and Saturday Night Live to retract the insulting, racist remarks and to offer an apology to the Polish American community for it.

SNL’s skit mocking Sarah Huckabee Sanders contained gratuitous remarks about someone being as a “Polack as dumb a box of rocks.”

“This ugly insult, uttered without context, was obviously a search for cheap laughs when creativity fails,” writes Dr. Radzilowski.  “It sought to pander to one of America’s remaining respectable bigotries.  It goes without saying that a similar remark about women, African Americans, Hispanics, gays or other group would have raised howls of public outrage.  That it did not raise outrage, shows how far we as a society that purports to acute sensitivity about bigotry and racism, still have to go.

“It is customary in such replies to recount the role of Polish Americans in building America, serving with honors in its wars and contributing to the commonwealth. That record speaks for itself and we do not have to justify our right to be equal citizens of the United States.  The issue is larger: every person, every group in our nation-indeed in our world-deserves to be treated with dignity and not held up to public mockery, insult and debasement.

“The Polish community deserves to receive a public apology from NBC and SNL for this utterly ignorant characterization.  The American public needs to recognize that racist remarks such as these are an affront to our national ideals and a rupture of public civility no matter about whom they are made.

The National President of the Polish American Congress, Frank Spula, in his letter to Chief Executive Officer of NBC Studio, writes that “since the airing, our office has been inundated with countless calls and e-mails expressing outrage and concern over this remark.

“Ethnic and racial jokes are necessarily scathing and do great damage, both by perpetuating ugly stereotypes and by demeaning a large number of citizens on the basis of their background and other innate characteristics.  These types of remarks are offensive for all communities, not just ours.

“I am hopeful that the writers, executives or hosts who permitted such defamatory, anti-Polish comments to be aired did not do so with malice, as a finding of deliberate ethnic slander over public airwaves could result in a Federal Communications Commission investigation and fine.

“I, as well, as the Polish American Congress, expect that NBC will issue a written public apology for this insulting incident which can be reprinted in the various Polish American media, as well as a commitment to educate and council writers and production staff about preventing racial and cultural stereotypes that mock an entire community representing a large portion of the American populations.”

Ann Bankowski, the President of the Polish American Congress Michigan Division, in a letter to the Saturday Night Live producer, Lorne Michael and to the NBC Programming Managements writes:

“It is with great distress I write this letter on behalf of the members of the Polish American Congress- Michigan, first in response to the extremely distasteful and insensitive opening monologue of Mr. Larry David, on the topic of picking up women in concentration camps.

“Too many of our members, as well as countrymen in Poland, and those who now reside here, experienced and survived, or tragically lost, family and friends under the brutal regime and constant terror of Hitler’s occupation of Poland throughout the years of WWII. Poland lost 20% of its population during that dreadful time and many Polish citizens, Jewish and Gentile, died and suffered in concentration camps. No laughing matter, even for comic relief, to be treated so inappropriately and insensitively. Shame on Mr. David and big disappointment in SNL.

“But that’s not all. We were later subjected to the parody of Ms. Sara Huckabee Sanders in a vulgar and excessively demeaning spoof, in which, to top it all off, she dismisses someone to be a ‘a Polack, who is dumb as a box of rocks.’  We thought such demeaning stereotypes were long gone, but somehow, for lack of better wit and talent, I suppose, such cheap shots are thrown in. Very disappointing and inexcusable!

“We sincerely appeal to your better judgement in regards to such programming and look forward to viewing true comedic genius once again from SNL.”




How can Orchard Lake better serve Polonia, Poland and Poles?

The new Chancellor of the Orchard Lake Schools: 

Cyril and Methodius Seminary, St. Mary’s Prep and Polish Mission

Rev. Canon Miroslaw Krol

Invites you to
Orchard Lake Polish Pride Home Coming

Holy Mass
Discussion Open to Public

How can Orchard Lake better serve Polonia, Poland and Poles?

What can Orchard Lake do to strengthen American Polonia and our Catholic values?
Saturday, October 28th, 2017, 12:00 Noon

Shrine of St. John Paul II at Orchard Lake
3535 Commerce Rd. Orchard Lake, MI 48324
Learn more: (313) 485-0531
Schools Founded in Detroit Michigan in 1885

Friends of St. John Paul II “Be Not Afraid Foundation” Michigan Chapter

Polish Americans for Orchard Lake Schools
The Seminary was founded over 130 years ago by Father Jozef Dabrowski, who received this mission from Father Leopold Moczygemba, OFM Conv., the Patriarch of the Polish American Community.  During the Seminary’s rich history, it has made an outstanding contribution to the Polish American and broader Catholic faith community, educating thousands of priests and educators. Thanks to Father Dabrowski’s exceptional wisdom, clarity of mission, testament, and example, the Orchard Lake Seminary and related institutions have been uniquely and generously financed by the Polish American community throughout their long and illustrious history.

Thanks to donations and financial support from the 10,000,000-strong Polish American community, Orchard Lake contains the largest Polish American archives in the United States, documenting the rich history of Polish diaspora and its contributions to the United
States.  Polish Americans funded the Library and donated volumes of unique historical books and publications, some dating back to 1600.  Such a collection is of unique importance: most historical libraries and archives in Poland were destroyed during the cataclysms of the Second World War.  Therefore, many unique historical artifacts have survived exclusively in the archive at Orchard Lake.

PAC official partner of the United States World War One Centennial Commission

The Polish American Congress is among official partners of the United States World War One Centennial Commission.  The Commission was created by an Act of Congress in 2013.  This Act was passed in order to honor and recognize the centennial of America’s involvement with World War I.

The Commission is in charge of planning, developing, and executing programs, projects, and activities to commemorate the centennial of World War I.  The Commission also develops educational programs for a variety of audiences, organizes events to commemorate America’s involvement in the War, and will establish a National World War I Memorial in Washington, D.C.  Members of the Commission were appointed by the President and the leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives, as well as the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

The Commission formally recognizes Commemorative Partners who demonstrate a commitment to honoring, commemorating, and educating the public about The Great War.  Polish American Congress is proud to be recognized as one of the Commemorative Partners of the United States World War One Centennial Commission.

Over 300,000 Polish Americans served in the armed forces of the United States during World War I, with an additional 24,000 volunteering to the Polish Army in France.  Fighting valiantly throughout the battlefields of Europe alongside our allies, Americans brought with them the Blessings of Liberty and Poland re-emerged as a free nation!





PAC –Michigan at the Sterling Heights Diversity Dinner

Officers of Polish American Congress Michigan Division were present at this year’s edition of the Sterling Heights Diversity Dinner, Thursday, September 21, organized by the city’s Ethnic Community Committee.  The event included presentation of the Diversity Distinction Awards.  The goal of the event is to increase appreciation of different cultures and to honor those who have championed diversity in Sterling Heights.  Polish American Congress Michigan Division Executive Vice President, Barbara Lemecha, and the Grand Marshal of this year’s Polish Day Parade, Mr. Ray Okonski represented PAC Michigan.  They had a chance to converse with the Sterling Heights Mayor, Michael C. Taylor and gain new appreciation for the many cultures represented at the dinner.



On Sunday, October 29, 2017, at 2:00 pm, at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy (2975 E. Maple Road, Troy, MI 48083) there will be a Polish Bilingual Day Event.  Doors open at 1:30 pm, programs begin at 2:00 pm.  The event is addressed to all children of Polish descent and their families.  The program will include:

  • A theatrical performance for children and adults by the group “Little Stars” from Chicago;
  • A lecture for parents on the benefits of bilingualism by Dr. Katarzyna Zechenter of University College London. Zechenter is the author of the book “A Guide for Parents of Bilingual Children”;
  • Presentation about Marie Sklodowska-Curie with chemical participant workshops for children aged 6-12;
  • Costume party and Disco with DJ for everyone. We ask children to dress up in costumes from Polish fairy tales and poems.  The most interesting and original costumes will be awarded;
  • Karaoke in Polish giving a chance to join in the singing of Polish songs.

Polish Bilingual Day is open to the public.  You will be able to buy Polish meal at the “Wawel” Restaurant.  The restaurant will be open from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.



Resolutions Accepted at PAC-MI Annual Meeting on March 18, 2017

  1. Whereas, We call on all Poles worldwide to celebrate The Year of Kosciuszko as designated for 2017 by the Polish government, UNESCO, and other organizations, bringing specific attention to the life, accomplishments, and virtues of this Polish and American hero;
  2. Whereas, We laud the Polish Catholic Church’s successful celebration of 1050 years of Poland’s Christianity last year; success in carrying out a most inspiring World Youth Day; and this year, join all faithful Poles as we celebrate 300 years of the coronation of the miraculous painting of Our Lady of Czestochowa at Her shrine at Jasna Gora, requesting Her intercession for the good of the faithful worldwide;
  3. Whereas, We congratulate the new president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, wishing him and the new administration success in leading and serving our country and citizens, we anticipate that his governance will serve the Polish American community well, and that he remain mindful of Poland’s security as an independent nation and support her good standing in the free world;
  4. Whereas, This year marks the 100th anniversary of CzynZbrojny, the heroic and extraordinary formation of Haller’s army, where almost 25,000 Polish Americans volunteered and went to fight for Poland’s independence during WWI, we salute this huge military effort, the patriotism exhibited by these men and women, as well as the ultimate sacrifice discharged by many;
  5. Whereas, Locally we recognize significant anniversaries of 2016 and 2017 celebrated by our division’s member organizations as well as those institutions and businesses serving the larger Polonia community: 125 years of Polish Falcons of America, Nest 31; 100 years of Queen of Apostles parish in Hamtramck; 100 years of Polish Century Club of Detroit; 80 years of Friends of Polish Art of Michigan; 50 years of KlubPolonia in Wyandotte,  25 years of American Polish Cultural Society in Troy; 20 years of Fr. Joseph Dabrowski Polish Language School at Orchard Lake School,10 years of St. John Paul Polish Language School at St. Florian parish in Hamtramck; the establishment and dedication of the Shrine of St. John Paul II at Orchard Lake; and Stan’s Grocery and Deli for years of service, we wish them all continued success in serving the community;
  6. Whereas, We renew our appeal to Polish-Americans, to be informed and actively involved in social and political issues of the United States and in efforts promoting Polonian/Polish interests, e.g. the proposed Visa Waiver Program;
  7. Whereas, we reaffirm the Polish American Congress national policy accepted in 1991, to stand neutral on issues relating to Poland’s internal politics, as a division we reserve the right to adopt positions, as approved by our membership, on political, social and cultural issues which effect, directly and indirectly, interests of Polonia, Poles, and Poland;
  8. Whereas, We renew our appeal to members of Polonian organizations, as well as to anyone who is not yet part of organized Polonia, to actively support the work of the Polish American Congress, locally and nationally, and to join and become actively involved in work that can benefit us all and our community;
  9. Whereas, We renew our appeal to parents to raise their children in a patriotic spirit through participation in Polish language programs and membership in youth organizations that foster and nurture our Polish values and instill an appreciation of our rich heritage and thus increase our children’s effectiveness to compete in American society;
  10. Whereas, We continue to support efforts to promote books, films, and materials, which foster the good name and true history of Poland and our heritage;
  11. Whereas, We again send best wishes to our local Polish media, for continued success in their efforts to keep Polonia informed and best serve our community: The Polish Weekly; Polish Varieties Radio Program; and Telewizja Detroit and appeal to Polonia to actively support these media and their sponsors.
  12. Whereas, We renew our appeal to all who are of Polish descent, and to those who are supportive of our heritage, to stand united and in solidarity in promoting and protecting the good name and rich heritage of Poland and the Polish-American community, thus enriching American life;
  13. Whereas, At this time of change in the Orchard Lake Schools, we thank Msgr. Thomas Michalski for his service as Chancellor and Recto,ralong with his leadership, and pray that the Schools find a leader able to achieve growth and a prosperous future in the tradition of its founder Fr. Joseph Dabrowski, for this great Polonian institution.

We therefore, as the Michigan division of the Polish American Congress, resolve to accept said resolutions, this 18th day of March 2017, as agreed upon unanimously by the membership at its annual meeting of this day.

PAC-MI 2017 Resolution Committee: Ann Bańkowski; Władysław Bankowski; Dana Bielecki; Anna Huk-Glaeser



Sponsored by the Polish American Congress / Michigan Division




POLISH AMERICAN CONGRESS/MICHIGAN DIVISION OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 10am-2pm, Thursday 11am-4pm, Saturday 9am-2pm.  Quarterly Membership Meetings held in March; June; September; December.  For more information about membership and meetings, please call 313.365.9400. 11333 Jos.Campau, Hamtramck, MI.


Polish American Central Citizens Committee of Detroit – Monthly meetings held at the PNA Banquet Facilities Board Room, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. For more information regarding membership call Barbara Gronet at 313.365.8949.


Polish National Alliance Council 122 – General Membership Meetings: June and January.  PNA Banquet Facilities Board Room, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI.  For more information regarding membership call Stella Szczesny at 313.680.4548 or Barbara Gronet at 313.365.8949.


PRCUA St. John Paul II Society #1593 – Society Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month except July, August and December. Meetings are held at 7 PM at St. Anne’s Jr. High School (Back Building), 36000 Mound Rd, Warren, MI. For more information call Wally Ozog at 586.751.8168.




Monday, September 4 – Annual Polish Day Parade in downtown Hamtramck. 1:30 pm. Theme: “For Your Freedom and Ours”. Grand Marshal: Mr. Ray Okonski.  More information by calling: 313-365-9400.


Sunday, September 10 – Polish Falcons of America Nest 31 will be celebrating its 125th Anniversary at the American Polish Century Club, Maple Lane at 14 Mile Rd.  Cash bar & Memorabilia Display – 1:00 pm; Dinner – 2:00 pm; Awards & Slide Show – 3:30 pm.  Reservations Deadline: September 1.  More information: Kathryn Borkowski, 8110 Menge, Center Line, MI 48015.


Sunday, September 10 – Membership Meeting. PNA Lodge 1264. 3 PM. PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck. Entrance from parking lot.


Monday, September 11 – General Quarterly Membership Meeting of the Polish American Congress Michigan Division.  7:0 pm.  PAC-MI Headquarters at 11333 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck, MI 48212.




Tuesday, October 3 – Installation Mass of the Chancellor of the Orchard Lake Schools, Rev. Miroslaw Krol.  Main Chapel. 4:30 pm.  Archbishop Vigneron officiating.  Banquet to follow at the Country Club on Long Lake Rd. in Bloomfield Hills. 6:30 pm.  Details to follow.


Sunday, October 15 – 100th anniversary of “Czyn Zbrojny”- the organization of Canadian and Polish American volunteers for General Haller’s Army during WWI, to fight for Poland’s Independence. 12 Noon Mass at St. Josaphat’s Church, 715 East Canfield Street, Detroit, MI. Organized by Polish Army Veterans, Circuit VI.


Saturday, October 28 – Annual “Health Screening” at the Polish American Congress Michigan Division (1133 Joseph Campau).  The staff of the Detroit Medical Center will offer free test of blood pressure, cholesterol and others.  Details to follow.


Sunday, October 29 – Pulaski Banquet. Sponsored by the Polish American Central Citizens Committee of Detroit. More information to come.


Sunday, October 29 – Polish Bilingual Day celebration at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy, MI (at 2975 E. Maple Road). 1:00 – 6:00.  A family friendly event with children’s theater presentation, science workshop for children, bilingualism lecture or parents, and dance party for all ages.  No charge.  “Wawel” restaurant will be open all day.




Sunday, December 3 – Election Meeting. PNA Lodge 1264 Jan Zamoyski “Solidarność”. 3 PM. PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck. Entrance from parking lot.


All events are open to the public except where stipulated. $$ means there is a charge for attendance. There is NO CHARGE for listing an event on this calendar. The calendar will be updated bi-weekly and will be available on the PAC/MI website ( pacmi.org ), will be regularly emailed to members with their email addresses on file in the PAC/MI Office, and will appear in and on Polish Media in Detroit. PAC/MI, its officers and members are not responsible for any errors that occur in these listings. We will strive to make this the most accurate and up-to-date event listing possible.

For more information or to list an event:

Call the PAC/MI office at 313-365-9400

Email information to DetPoloniaCalendar@Comcast.net

Mail the information to: PAC/MI Calendar, 11333 Jos. Campau, Hamtramck, MI 48212

Please include a phone number if we need more information.