Detroit Polonia Calendar

Detroit Polonia Calendar

Sponsored by the Polish American Congress / Michigan Division




POLISH AMERICAN CONGRESS/MICHIGAN DIVISION OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 10am-2pm, Thursday 11am-4pm, Saturday 9am-2pm. Quarterly Membership Meetings held in March; June; September; December. For more information about membership and meetings, please call 313.365.9400. 11333 Jos.Campau, Hamtramck, MI.


Polish American Central Citizens Committee of Detroit – Monthly meetings held at the PNA Banquet Facilities Board Room, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. For more information regarding membership call Barbara Gronet at 313.365.8949.


Polish National Alliance Council 122 – General Membership Meetings: June and January. PNA Banquet Facilities Board Room, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. For more information regarding membership call Stella Szczesny at 313.680.4548 or Barbara Gronet at 313.365.8949.


PRCUA St. John Paul II Society #1593 – Society Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month except July, August and December. Meetings are held at 7 PM at St. Anne’s Jr. High School (Back Building), 36000 Mound Rd, Warren, MI. For more information call Wally Ozog at 586.751.8168.


MARCH 2017


Friday, March 24 – General Meeting. Friends of Polish Art. 7:30 PM. American Polish Cultural Center, 2975 E. Maple Rd, Troy, MI


Sunday, March 26 – A theatrical production about the famous actress Helena Modrzejewska, by professional acting group from Toronto, in Polish language. 3 PM. Tickets $20 for adults; $10 for children. The St. John Paul II Social Hall of OL of Czestochowa Church, 3100 18 Mile Rd. In Sterling Hts, MI. Sponsored by the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Language School.


Sunday, March 26 – PRCUA Gwiazda Dancers 57th Annual Recital. 3 PM. Fitzgerald High School, 23200 Ryan Road, Warren. Doors open at 2:30 PM.  Tickets available only at the door.  $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 3-11, children 2 and under free. For additional information please contact Jessica Wendt at


Sunday, March 26 – Annual Mass celebrating St. Joseph’s Day and for intentions of Generals Joseph Pilsudski and Haller, sponsored by Polish Army Veterans Circuit VI, at 12 noon at St. Josaphat’s Church (Canfield and I-75).


Friday, March 31 – “The Wall Speaks” exhibition at the “Bank Suey” gallery / community building, 10345 Joseph Campau Ave, Hamtramck. Friday 7 – 10 PM & Saturday, April 1, 1 – 8 PM. “The Wall Speaks” exhibition is devoted to Polish children and teenagers of World War II, and to all those today whose voices are not being heard and who suffer at being treated as less than fully human. The Hamtramck project will also focus on building a bridge between the experiences of Polish World War II youth and the experiences of children and teens in the Middle East today. Both have been traumatized by war and forced exile.


APRIL 2017


Saturday, April 1 – PRCUA Opole Dance Recital. Lincoln High School, Center Line, MI. For more information contact Elizabeth at 586.944.9683.


Saturday, April 8 – Polish American Congress/Michigan Division Installation of Officers. Social Hour 1 PM; Dinner 2 PM; Program 3PM. Reservations Required. $$. PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. For more information & reservations call 313.365.9400.


Sunday, April 9 – The annual PAC patriotic Remembrance Mass for all who died in the Katyń Forest Massacre and in the Smoleńsk plane crash. 6 PM. St Faustina Church, 14025 E. 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI. All of Polonia invited to participate.


Sunday, April 23 – Święconka Sponsored by the PNA District 10 Women’s Division and the Friends of Polish Art. 2 PM (Doors open at 1:30 pm) PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck. Traditional dinner, Entertainment, Basket Raffle. $20 per person, $10 Children under 12.  Reservations Required. Call Marcia 313.891.0696 or Rick 313.443.1560. Reservation Deadline: April 18.


Sunday, April 23 – 48th Anniversary Recital of PRCUA “Halka Dancers”.  3 PM. Van Dyke Community Auditorium 22500 Federal, Warren, MI.  $7 donation.  For more information, call: 586.291.4486.


MAY 2017


Sunday, May 7 – Polish Constitution Day Observances. Our Lady of Czestochowa in Sterling Hts with mass at 1 PM with program and light refreshments immediately following mass in the St. John Paul II Social Hall. Sponsored by PAC-MI; Polish Mission at Orchard Lake, and area Polish Language Schools.

Saturday, May 13 – PNA Lowicz Dancers Recital. More information to come.


Sunday, May 14 – PNA Polanie Song & Dance Ensemble, Polish Alliance Dancers & Gen. Pulaski Language School 54th Annual Recital. 2 PM Performance and Luncheon (Doors open at 1:30 PM). St. Mel School Gymnasium, 7506 N. Inkster Rd, Dearborn Heights. Tickets $15/Adult (pre-event) – $18/Adult (at door). Children under 12 – no charge. Contact Christine Kryszko 313.581.3181, Teresa Jedruszko 734.306.7351 or Donna Kutylowski 313.505.0057.


Friday, May 19 – 47th Annual Polish American Night at Comerica Park. Tigers vs Texas. For further information contact Wally Ozog at 586.751.8168 or Christopher Ozog at 586.524.4907.

Sunday May 21 – PAC Mass for Polonia at Chapel of St. Ladislaus in Hamtramck at 9 AM with coffee reception after Mass.




Sunday, September 10 – Polish Falcons of America Nest 31 will be celebrating its 125th Anniversary at the American Polish Century Club, Maple Lane at 14 Mile Rd. More information to come later.



Sunday, October 15 – 100th anniversary of “Czyn Zbrojny”- the organization of Canadian and Polish American volunteers for General Haller’s Army during WWI, to fight for Poland’s Independence. 12 Noon Mass at St. Josaphat’s Church, 715 East Canfield Street, Detroit, MI. Organized by Polish Army Veterans, Circuit VI


All events are open to the public except where stipulated. $$ means there is a charge for attendance. There is NO CHARGE for listing an event on this calendar. The calendar will be updated bi-weekly and will be available on the PAC/MI website ( ), will be regularly emailed to members with their email addresses on file in the PAC/MI Office, and will appear in and on Polish Media in Detroit. PAC/MI, its officers and members are not responsible for any errors that occur in these listings. We will strive to make this the most accurate and up-to-date event listing possible.


For more information or to list an event:

Call the PAC/MI office at 313-365-9400

Email information to

Mail the information to: PAC/MI Calendar, 11333 Jos. Campau, Hamtramck, MI 48212

Please include a phone number if we need more information.


HAMTRAMCK, MI – Michigański Wydział Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej (KPA) informuje, iż w soboty, w godzinach 10 am – 12:00 pm, w siedzibie KPA w Hamtramck organizowane są DYŻURY PRAWNICZE, w trakcie których współpracujący z KPA prawnicy oferują darmowe konsultacje prawne.


W najbliższych tygodniach dyżurować będą:

Sobota, 25 marca – Matt Wozniak

Sobota, 1 kwietnia – Annette Raczkowski


Aby umówić się na spotkanie z prawnikiem sugerujemy wcześniej zarejestrować się (choć nie jest to konieczne) dzwoniąc do biura KPA na numer telefonu 313-365-9400.  Siedziba KPA mieści się przy 11333 Joseph Campau w Hamtramck, MI.

69th Installation of Officers & Award Ceremony

Anna Bańkowska to lead Polish American Congress Michigan Division

HAMTRAMCK, MI – Anna Bańkowska was elected the President of the Polish American Congress Michigan Division (PAC-MI) at the annual membership meeting on Saturday, March 18, 2017, at the PNA Hall in Hamtramck.

Bańkowska was the only nominated candidate for the position of PAC-MI President.  It will be her second term as the leader of the Michigan Division of the Polish American Congress.

Bańkowska is following in the footsteps of her father, Kazimierz Olejarczyk, who passed away three year ago.  Mr. Olejarczyk devoted his entire adult life to Polish American Congress (for 16 years her served as the President of the organization).

The election of officers and board members was conducted by the Nominating Committee led by Hon. Judge John Chmura.

Barbara Lemecha was re-elected Executive Vice President, while Barbara Gronet and Christopher Adamczyk were once again elected as Vice President for American and Polish Affairs. Tomasz Wolski will again serve as the Treasurer.

Anna Huk-Glaeser was elected Recording Secretary (for Board Meeting) and Donna Bielecki will assume the position of the Recording Secretary (for Membership Meetings). Jolanta Bujny will serve as the Corresponding Secretary.

Jerzy Rozalski, Zdzislaw Jurek and Henrietta Nowakowski (with Barbara Lemecha as alternate) were elected as National Directors.

18 members were elected State Directors. They are: Wladyslaw Bankowski, Joan Baritche, Janusz Dabrowski, Frank Dmuchowski, Chester Szczotka, Stanislawa Jakobek, Richard Lapham, Jerzy Rozalski, Alicja Karlic, Thomas Schemanski, Stella Szczesny, Mary Ellen Tyszka, Miroslaw Wawrysz, Richard Konrad, Joseph Kalankiewicz, Gena Jurek, Marcia Lewandowski and Stefan Zmuda.

The individuals elected to the Audit Committee include Waldemar Raczkowski, Edward Nizienski and Richard Lapham.

The newly elected Officers and members of the Board will officially take their positions on Saturday, April 8, during the swearing-in ceremony at the PNA Hall in Hamtramck. The event, which starts at 1:00 pm, will also include a delicious dinner and a presentation of PAC Awards.  The PAC will honor organizations marking significant anniversaries and individuals that contribute to Detroit’s Polish American community.  The awards will be presented to the Polish Falcons of America Nest 31, Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish, Friends of Polish Art, Polish Century Club of Detroit, Polish American Veterans Association District VI, Saint John Paul II Polish Language School, Rev. Jozef Dabrowski Polish Language School, Klub Polonia, Stan’s Grocery, Jolanta Gmurowska, Carolyn Wietrzykowski and Ludwik Zabicki.

Tickets for the Installation of Ceremony and Award Ceremony ($40) can be reserved by calling PAC office: 313-365-9400.

National PAC newsletter features a story about Michigan Division’s activities

The February edition of the National Polish American Congress newsletter featured a story about activities of our Division.  This time, we submitted a story about our planned events commemorating the bicentennial anniversary of the death of Tadeusz Kosciuszko.  Click on the link below to read the story (and to read many other interesting articles featured in the newsletter).



The exhibition “Pride of Poland” will be on display at the American Polish Cultural Center (2975 E. Maple Road, Troy, MI 48083) on Saturday, February 11, 2017 (during the annual Polish Folk Dance Festival).

The exhibit, created by the Grand Rapids Polish Heritage Society, celebrates Poland’s historical, scientific, military, cultural and sports contributions to America and the world, including:

  • winged warriors who routed the Turkish invaders at Vienna
  • the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win the prize twice, in two different sciences
  • fliers and aircrews that defended England in the Battle of Britain
  • the brilliant mathematicians who broke the Nazi Enigma system
  • famous Polish American sports and entertainment figures

Learn much more about Poland, its history and its influence by visiting the “Pride of Poland” Exhibit in the east hallway of the American Polish Cultural Center.


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A new program for parents and guardians with children suffering from dyslexia, hyperactivity, problems with concentration, delayed speech development.  Read the flyer and call Agnieszka Ubysz, MS, to find out more information (586-244-9205).


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Detroit Polonia Calendar

Sponsored by the Polish American Congress / Michigan Division


POLISH AMERICAN CONGRESS/MICHIGAN DIVISION OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 10am-2pm, Thursday 11am-4pm, Saturday 9am-2pm. 313.365.9400. 11333 Jos.Campau, Hamtramck

JANUARY 2017         

Wednesday, January 11 – PAC Senior Club Opłatek. 12 NOON at PAC. no charge

Sunday, January 15 – Kolędy.Mass & Concert.Filarets Choruses. 11:30 AM. St. Isadore, 18201 23 Mile Rd., Macomb, MI

Sunday, January 15 – PAC monthly Polish Mass for Polonia. 9 AM at St. Ladislaus Chapel, Caniff just west of Jos. Campau in Hamtramck. Coffee social to follow mass at the church

Tuesday, January 17 – Very Basic Computer Classes at PAC. (Call office for more information). More advanced computer class planned to start in February

Saturday, January 21 – Movies at PAC.  2 PM “Bogowie” (“Gods”) in Polish with English subtitles, no charge. PAC/MI Office, 11333 Jos Campau, Hamtramck, MI

Sunday, January 22 – Oplatek.Polish Scouting Association. Mass 1 PM – Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish, Filarets Choruses will sing at Mass & Concert to follow. 2:30 PM Oplatek in the St. John Paul II Social Hall.

Friday, January 27 – General Meeting.Friends of Polish Art. 7:30 PM. American Polish Cultural Center, 2975 E. Maple Rd, Troy, MI

Saturday, January 28 – Radio Ball. Polish Varieties Radio.San Marino Club, $$. Call Jerzy Rozalski at 313.343.0660 for more information.

Sunday, January 29 – PNA Council 122 General Membership & Election Meeting, 1PM PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. Delegates from all Lodges belonging to Council 122 are urged to attend.

Sunday, January 29 – Mass – Kolędy.Filarets Ladies Chorus. 12 NOON. Old St. Mary’s, 646 Monroe Detroit-Greektown.


Saturday, February 11 – Polish Folk Dance Festival. American Polish Cultural Center, 2975 E. Maple Rd, Troy, MI. Admission: $$ Food and drink available for purchase.

Sunday, February 19 – Coin Show. Polish American Numismatic Society & Windsor Coin Club will host 8th International COIN SHOW at the American Polish Cultural Center (2975 E. Maple Rd, Troy, MI).  10 AM – 4 PM.  Buy-Sell-Trade.  Coins, paper money, medals, tokens, stamps, books, supplies.  Over 90 US & World Coin Dealers Tables.  Free Admission.  More information: Les Rosik – 248-909-2670.

Sunday, February 19 – PNA Council 122 & Lodges Installation.2 PM PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. For information and reservations call your Lodge President or Council Secretary, Francine Nizienski 734.591.4249.

Wednesday, February 22 – General Membership Meeting.Central Citizens Committee. 7 PM. New Members encouraged to attend. PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities – Board Room, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI.

Saturday, February 25 – Ostatki – Carnival.Polish Mountaineers Group #4.KołoGóraliNr. 4.7:30 PM. $35 per person.PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. Tickets available at G-Mart, 10012 Jos. Campau, Hamtramck. For more information call 313.574.9711 or 313.874.4666.

MARCH 2017

Saturday, March 11 – PNA Casino Trip to Firekeepers Casino.More information to come.

Saturday, March 18– Annual PAC Meeting & Elections. 10 AM. PNA Council 122 Banquet Facilities, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, MI. All members urged to attend.

Friday, March 24 – General Meeting. Friends of Polish Art. 7:30 PM. American Polish Cultural Center, 2975 E. Maple Rd, Troy, MI

All events are open to the public except where stipulated. $$ means there is a charge for attendance. There is NO CHARGE for listing an event on this calendar. The calendar will be updated bi-weekly and will be available on the PAC/MI website ( ), will be regularly emailed to members with their email addresses on file in the PAC/MI Office, and will appear in and on Polish Media in Detroit. PAC/MI, its officers and members are not responsible for any errors that occur in these listings. We will strive to make this the most accurate and up-to-date event listing possible.

For more information or to list an event:

  • Call the PAC/MI office at 313-365-9400
  • Email information to
  • Mail the information to: PAC/MI Calendar, 11333 Jos. Campau, Hamtramck, MI 48212

Please include a phone number if we need more information.




National PAC newsletter features a story about Michigan Division’s activities

We invite you to read the new national PAC newsletter, which this time features a story about our Division’s activities.  We have submitted an article about one of our recent events – honoring teachers of Polish language schools in our area – and the editors of the national newsletter chose to include it in that publication.  You can read the story and the entire December 2016 PAC Newsletter by clicking on the link below: