9/24/23 PNA “Dożynki” Autumn Harvest Polish Dinner ($25/adults; $15/children 12 and under) 1:00PM at PLAV Post 16 in Dearborn Hts., MI; call Christine for reservations, 313-522-2748.

10/1/23 Polish Sunday at Orchard Lake Schools- monthly Polish mass at 1:00pm with dinner to follow ($20); submit reservations a week earlier:

10/7/23 PAC-MI sponsored wreath laying, to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth, at 3:00PM at Mikołaj Kopernik statue, next to Detroit Main Library.

10/7& 8/23 Art on the Lake- Fine Arts Show and Sale; 10:00-4:00pm; on Orchard Lake Schools campus; for details, contact:

10/8/23 Pulaski Day observances (mass, program, dinner) Our Lady of the Scapular, mass at 1:00pm followed by PAVA Post 95 sponsored program in Pulaski Park and dinner at Post 95, in Wyandotte.

10/14/23 Polish parliamentary elections in US for Polish citizens (locally at APCC in Troy); call PAC-MI office for information.

10/14/23 Klub Polonia social event-dance with refreshments- at Our Lady of the Scapular social hall; details to follow.

10/15/23 Chopiniana concert at 3:00 pm followed by dinner, at APCC in Troy; for information, call Jackie, 586-558-3624.

10/16/23 PAC-MI brainstorming meeting at PAC headquarters at 6:30pm (PAC-MI members, delegates, chairmen, officers).

10/22/23 PACCC Pulaski awards banquet at Barrister Gardens St. Clair Shores, MI 12:00-4:00 PM; advanced reservations and payment ($60/adults, $35/children); for info call Stella, 313-680-4548

10/24-25/23 PAC annual National Directors meeting in Chicago

11/11/23 PAC-MI annual radiothon 8:30-11:00; Call ins with pledges to Polish Varieties Radio, 248-557-3500

11/12/23 Polish Scouting Organization sponsored Polish Independence Day mass and banquet at Our Lady ofCzęstochowa, Sterling Hts., MI; details to follow.

12/2/23 Next PAC-MI quarterly meeting at 10:00 am at PAC-MI headquarters.





9/24/23 PNA “Dożynki” Autumn Harvest Polish Dinner ($25/adults; $15/children 12 and under) 1:00PM at PLAV Post 16 in Dearborn Hts., MI; call Christine for reservations, 313-522-2748.

10/1/23 Polish Sunday at Orchard Lake Schools- monthly Polish mass at 1:00pm with dinner to follow ($20); submit reservations a week earlier:

10/7/23 PAC-MI sponsored wreath laying, to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth, at 3:00PM at Mikołaj Kopernik statue, next to Detroit Main Library.

10/7& 8/23 Art on the Lake- Fine Arts Show and Sale; 10:00-4:00pm; on Orchard Lake Schools campus; for details, contact:

10/8/23 Pulaski Day observances (mass, program, dinner) Our Lady of the Scapular, mass at 1:00pm followed by PAVA Post 95 sponsored program in Pulaski Park and dinner at Post 95, in Wyandotte.

10/14/23 Polish parliamentary elections in US for Polish citizens (locally at APCC in Troy); call PAC-MI office for information.

10/14/23 Klub Polonia social event-dance with refreshments- at Our Lady of the Scapular social hall; details to follow.

10/15/23 Chopiniana concert at 3:00 pm followed by dinner, at APCC in Troy; for information, call Jackie, 586-558-3624.

10/16/23 PAC-MI brainstorming meeting at PAC headquarters at 6:30pm (PAC-MI members, delegates, chairmen, officers).

10/22/23 PACCC Pulaski awards banquet at Barrister Gardens St. Clair Shores, MI 12:00-4:00 PM; advanced reservations and payment ($60/adults, $35/children); for info call Stella, 313-680-4548

10/24-25/23 PAC annual National Directors meeting in Chicago

11/11/23 PAC-MI annual radiothon 8:30-11:00; Call ins with pledges to Polish Varieties Radio, 248-557-3500

11/12/23 Polish Scouting Organization sponsored Polish Independence Day mass and banquet at Our Lady ofCzęstochowa, Sterling Hts., MI; details to follow.

12/2/23 Next PAC-MI quarterly meeting at 10:00 am at PAC-MI headquarters.


Quarterly General Meeting

Polish American Congress

Michigan Division

Quarterly General Meeting

Monday, September 18, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.

 at PAC-MI Office

11333 Jos. Campau, Hamtramck

Office:(313) 365-9400 

Please notice, there is no charge for

 parking in Hamtramck,


Greetings PAC-MI Members and Polonia Friends!

On behalf of the Polish American Congress-Michigan and the Polish Day Parade CommitteeI invite everyone to join us at the parade this Saturday in Warren. The parade’s assembly will take place at the Cousino High School parking lot at 3:00 and the parade starts at 4:10pm.

This year’s new parade route begins at 13 Mile Rd. and Hoover, continues onto Common Rd (which is 12 1/2 Mile and will be closed to traffic during the parade, starting at 3:00pm). The Parade will culminate at the Warren Civic Center grounds, where the Warren Birthday Bash is taking place. The Civic Center stage will serve as the reviewing stand featuring the Parade Committee Chairman, Hon. John Chmura, and other dignitaries, along with this year’s Parade Grand Marshal, Vinnie Dombroski, band leader of Sponge. See map and more info on parade website:

We invite all PAC members and friends of Polonia to march with us behind the parade banner or ride in the decorated 12 passenger van (if marching does not suit you). We want everyone to get into the Polish Day Parade spirit which celebrates our Polish pride and heritage. You will be impressed by the newly built float (artistic creation of the Parade Company) made especially for this year’s occasion.

It promises to be a fun event!

Kindly let me know by email, text, or phone (313-663-6046) if you plan to join us and if you will be marching or riding in the van (12-person limit). This year bleachers will be provided at the beginning of the parade route on Common Rd. for all who wish to view it and cheer us on from there. Bring a friend and family if you wish-all are welcome.

I look forward to seeing all of you this Saturday!


Ann Bankowski, President

Polish American Congress-Michigan


Polish American Congress Scholarship Dinner

Polish American Congress of Michigan

Scholarship Fund, inc.

‘Invest in the Future’

Annual Dinner

Pac of Michigan Home Office

August 16, 2023

This year we decided to host this event at a different venue…the PAC office in Hamtramck, Michigan. This is a way of introducing the home office to the scholarship recipients with the hope that they may be aware of what the Polish American Congress is about and possibly get interested and become involved.

Whether it has been one year or many years, we thank you for coming to this event and supporting the students who apply and have received scholarships.

We also appreciate all of our “Invest in the Future” donors. This fundraiser was organized in 2015 and since then has raised over $33,000.00. Those who have donated $100.00 or more will be acknowledged on a plaque which will be displayed here at the home office. Last year’s plaque is still up, so stop and look at it. Donations are still accepted.

A special thank you to Barbara Lemecha. Although she has a busy calendar, she still volunteered to prepare a delicious meal for you, our special guests. We also appreciate the delicious desserts prepared by Kerrie Westphal and Barbara Kulas, relatives of our Scholarship Recipients, Alec and Olivia Westphal.

Thanks is also extended to PRCUA, PNA and Joann Ozog for donating the complimentary items that each of you received today, Grace Ozog for formatting the program booklet and Eleanor Bielenda for the donation of raffle prizes.

Enjoy the evening! Meet the Scholarship Recipients! Socialize and relax with one another!

Officers of the Michigan pac scholarship fund, inc.

Ann Bankowski (Chairman of the Board)

Wallace M. Ozog (President)

Christopher Adamczyk (Vice-President)

Robert Bielenda (Treasurer)

Joann S. Ozog (Recording Secretary)



Mark A. Ozog-Master of Ceremonies


Alec Westphal- Scholarship Recipient


Introduction of officers & special guests

Mark A. Ozog

Introduction of recipients

Gabriela Andrzejewski presented by Ann Bankowski

Alec Westphal presented by Christopher Adamczyk

Olivia Westphal presented by Stella Szczesny

Abigail Frances Wrzesinski presented by Mark Ozog

Brief remarks

Wallace M. Ozog-President

Ann Bankowski-Chairman of the Board


Christopher Adamczyk -Vice-President

Stella Szczesny-Member

With assistance of scholarship recipients



Introducing our 2023 pac of Michigan

Scholarship recipients

Gabriela Andrzejewska is in her first year at Central Michigan College of Medicine. Her major is Dr. of Medicine (M.D.) and her GPA is 3.85. During her undergraduate studies, she was in Honors College where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree and also a Bachelor of Arts Degree.

Gabriela has worked as a translator for companies, community schools, hospitals, individual-families, Polish patients and doctors. She has promoted the Polish language at the CMU library by reading Polish language books to children.

At school, she volunteers at My Mich Health Center, Phi Delta Epsilons, ER Department and Infusion Cancer Surgical Center. She also volunteers at the Physical Therapy Unit in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

Gabriela has the ability to integrate her exceptional knowledge and skills with her Medical training and interests. Gabriela has received the Dr. Stanley A. Ozog Grant.

Alec Westphal is in his last semester at Oakland University and is majoring in Elementary Education with a Minor in Social Studies. His grade point average is 3.56. Alec is a very involved individual. He assists PRCUA Zajaczyk Dance Ensemble, as well as, PRCUA Zakopane Dance Ensemble wherever and whenever they need assistance.

He volunteers at Blessing House at St. Hyacinth Catholic Church by setting up tables and arranging food and clothing that is provided to those in need. On outdoor clean up days, you will see Alec helping out at St. Albertus Catholic Church. He also helps at Sweetest Heart of Mary Catholic Church Fish Fry events. Alec volunteers as a Catholic Youth League Basketball coach at St. Mary Catholic School, his alma mater and after graduation will be one of the Varsity Basketball coaches. He helps his 94 year old neighbor with anything she needs in order for her to continue to live independently.

Alec tries to help wherever he can and as much as he can because he knows, what comes around, goes around and he has been fortunate to receive so much from others. Alec has received the Dana Witkowski Grant.

Olivia Westphal is in her third year of college at the University of Detroit Mercy. Her major is nursing and her GPA is 3.89. Olivia is a member of PRCUA and is a former member of Zajaczyk Dance Ensemble and presently, a member of the Zakopane Dance Ensemble. During her dancing years, she has proudly shown her Polish heritage by performing at many festivals, Detroit Tigers Polish American Night and Jimmy Johns Polish American Night.

Olivia has volunteered at the Pope Francis Center by providing vital services to individuals experiencing homelessness and also, assists at the Blessing House at St. Hyacinth Catholic Church by setting up food and clothing to those in need.

Besides dancing with PRCUA Zakopane Dance Ensemble, Olivia is also on the University of Detroit Mercy Dance Team and Volleyball Team and the National Student Nurses Association, Inc. Olivia has received the John and Victoria Kushel Grant.

Abigail Frances Wrzesinski is attending Oakland University. Her Major is Sociology and she has intentions of attending Law School. Abigail is a member of PRCUA and PNA. She enjoys sharing her Polish heritage with others because she feels that it is very important to preserve our culture for future generations. In her younger years, she became a member of PRCUA Opole Dancers which gave her the opportunity to experience many beautiful Polish customs and to appreciate her wonderful Polish heritage. She believes that many her age, don’t know what their heritage is, let alone, even care to celebrate.

For six years, Abigail has volunteered for the American Cancer Society and for three years, she was on the Anchor Bay-Bay Rama “Art on the Bay” Committee. Abigail has received the Frank and Sophia Filipek Grant.



To our 2023 PAC of Michigan Scholarship Recipients.

Wishing you much success and….

When the time comes, remember to give back so that you can make a difference for some future student.


2023 “Invest in the future”

Make a difference scholarship donors

As of August 9, 2023, the following donors have donated $100.00 or more in the “Invest in the Future” Make a Difference Scholarship Appeal. Their names will be displayed at the PAC office for one year. Thank you to everyone who made a donation, whether large or small. Donations are still being accepted.

Donna bielecki

Stanley & stephenie bienkowski

Lawrene chominski jr.

Tadeusz & Eugenia gorecki

Sally klamerus

(In Memory of Thaddeus Klamerus)

Mandzuik & Son Funeral Directors, Inc.

Daniel & Jolanta Misteravich

Wallace & Joann Ozog

(In Memory of Mary Ellen Tyszka)

Waldemar & Annette raczkowski

Patricia sikora

Suzanne sloat & ray okonski foundation

Chester & nancy szczotka

Henryk & Stephanie szkolnicki trust

Rev. Stanley A. Ulman

Janina H. Zmurkiewicz

(In Memory of Helena Zmurkiewicz)


Polish Day Parade Invitation

Greetings PAC-MI Members and Polonia Friends!

On behalf of the Polish American Congress-Michigan and the Polish Day Parade CommitteeI invite everyone to join us at the parade this Saturday in Warren. The parade’s assembly will take place at the Cousino High School parking lot at 3:00 and the parade starts at 4:10pm.

This year’s new parade route begins at 13 Mile Rd. and Hoover, continues onto Common Rd (which is 12 1/2 Mile and will be closed to traffic during the parade, starting at 3:00pm). The Parade will culminate at the Warren Civic Center grounds, where the Warren Birthday Bash is taking place. The Civic Center stage will serve as the reviewing stand featuring the Parade Committee Chairman, Hon. John Chmura, and other dignitaries, along with this year’s Parade Grand Marshal, Vinnie Dombroski, band leader of Sponge. See map and more info on parade website:

We invite all PAC members and friends of Polonia to march with us behind the parade banner or ride in the decorated 12 passenger van (if marching does not suit you). We want everyone to get into the Polish Day Parade spirit which celebrates our Polish pride and heritage. You will be impressed by the newly built float (artistic creation of the Parade Company) made especially for this year’s occasion.

It promises to be a fun event!

Kindly let me know by email, text, or phone (313-663-6046) if you plan to join us and if you will be marching or riding in the van (12-person limit). This year bleachers will be provided at the beginning of the parade route on Common Rd. for all who wish to view it and cheer us on from there. Bring a friend and family if you wish-all are welcome.

I look forward to seeing all of you this Saturday!


Ann Bankowski, President

Polish American Congress-Michigan

Ste. Anne Novena

 Dear PAC-MI members and Polonia Friends!

It’s that time of year again for the St. Anne Novena masses which are held every year at the Ste. Anne de Detroit Basilica (1000 Ste. Anne Street Detroit 48216, 313-496-1701). As is the tradition, for 9 days there is a mass each day at which a Detroit area ethnic/nationality community is showcased and celebrated, leading up to the final mass on the feast day of St. Anne, July 26.

Polish American Congress-MI is happy to once again co-sponsor this event.

[Read more…]

Gentle Reminder – General Membership Meeting

Polish American Congress

Michigan Division

General Membership Meeting

Members and delegates

Monday, June 5, 2023, promptly at 6:00 am

At PAC MI Headquarters

11333 Jos Campau, Hamtramck


Shape Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Please note free parking after 6:00 P.M.


A Spring Fling FLYER2023-updated