Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago organizuje dyżur konsularny w Hamtramck w
dniach 17–18 listopada w Piast Institute: 11633 Joseph Campau Street Hamtramck,
MI 48212
Na dyżur obowiązują wcześniejsze zapisy telefoniczne.
Zapisy będą prowadzone w dniach: 7 i 8 listopada lub do wyczerpania miejsc. W
celu dokonania zapisu na dyżur, prosimy dzwonić do naszego Urzędu w wyżej
wymienione dni pod numer telefon: 312 337 8166, wew. 1 w godz. 11.00-14.00
(czasu Detroit).
Podczas dyżuru będzie możliwość złożenia wniosku o wydanie dokumentu
Przed wykonaniem telefonu w sprawie rezerwacji terminu wizyty paszportowej
• przygotować dane osobowe (imię nazwisko, numer PESEL lub w przypadku
braku numeru PESEL data i miejsce urodzenia),
• przygotować dane kontaktowe – numer telefonu,
• przygotować dane dotychczas posiadanego polskiego paszportu lub
dowodu osobistego;
• upewnić się, że:
1. w przypadku zawarcia związku małżeńskiego w USA,
dokonano transkrypcji (rejestracji) amerykańskiego aktu małżeństwa w
Polsce. Dopiero po uzyskaniu odpisu polskiego aktu małżeństwa z
informacją o nazwisku noszonym po zawarciu małżeństwa można
wystąpić o wydanie paszportu na to nazwisko.
2. w przypadku urodzenia dziecka w USA, dokonano transkrypcji
(rejestracji) amerykańskiego aktu urodzenia w Polsce. Dopiero po
uzyskaniu odpisu polskiego aktu urodzenia można wystąpić o paszport dla
danej osoby.
UWAGA: W przypadku osób dorosłych, które nigdy nie posiadały polskiego paszportu, bądź
posiadają nieważny od kilku/kilkunastu/kilkudziesięciu lat polski paszport (bez numeru PESEL) i
nie posiadają ważnego polskiego dowodu osobistego, należy zweryfikować czy konieczne jest
przeprowadzanie procedury potwierdzenia posiadania obywatelstwa polskiego. W tym celu
należy wysłać e-mail na adres Wydziału Ruchu Osobowego: chicago.passportvisa@
msz.gov.pl z podaniem danych osobowych i paszportowych wymienionych poniżej.
Informacje na temat wymaganych dokumentów do złożenia wniosku o paszport znajdą
Państwo na stronie internetowej Konsulatu Generalnego RP w
Chicago: https://www.gov.pl/web/usa/sprawy-paszportowe-informacje-ogolneDYŻ
Special Invitation
Dear PAC-MI members and Friends of Polonia!
We are happy to invite you to a special wreath laying ceremony to take place next Saturday, October 7, 2023, at 3:00pm at the statue of Mikołaj Kopernik, Nicholas Copernicus, world famous genius and astronomer, the Father of Modern Astronomy. The ceremony will mark and celebrate this year’s 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth.
The statue is located on the grounds of the Detroit Main Library, at Woodward and W. Kirby. Kopernik’s statue was dedicated and placed there in 1973, to mark the 500th anniversary of his birth in 1473.
A photograph is here attached along with our invitation.
Please join us to remember and to honor this remarkable son of Poland. Spread the word and invite friends and family to come October 7, 2023.
Serdecznie zapraszamy Polonię na spotkanie i złożenie wieńca przy pomniku naszego wielkiego syna Polski, Mikołaja Kopernika, w tym roku Kopernikowskim, uznając 550 lat od jego urodzenia!
Do zobaczenia o 3:00 pp obok głównej biblioteki Detroit, przy ulicy Woodward i W. Kirby, w sobotę, 7 października!
Ann Bankowski, President
Polish American Congress
Michigan Division
Ph.:(313) 365-9400
Stowarzyszenie Weteranόw Armii Poslkiej w Ameryce Placόwka 95
Polish Army Veterans Association of America Post 95
2935 Eleventh Street Wyandotte, Michigan 48192 (734) 283-5330
The Polish Army Veterans Association of America Post 95 in
Wyandotte would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate
in honoring General Kazimierz (Casmir) Pulaski during “Pulaski Day”.
The celebration will take place with a special mass on Sunday, October 08, 2023, at 1:30 pm, at Our Lady of the Scapular Parish 976 Pope John Paul II Ave. Wyandotte, MI. 48192. Cannon Walter Ptak will be the celebrant for this special mass. Immediately following the church services, guests will congregate on Superior Street directly in front of the church, and will parade to Pulaski Park, where further ceremonies will be held. Pulaski Park is located on 12th Street, between Cedar and Walnut in Wyandotte. We invite all participants to continue with our celebration at Polish Army Veterans Post 95, located at 2935 11th Street, following the ceremonies held at Pulaski Park.
We invite all Organizations to join us in celebrating this special hero.
Kazimierz Szymczuk Janina Witczak
Commander, PAVA Post 95 President Ladies Aux. PAVA Post 95
9/24/23 PNA “Dożynki” Autumn Harvest Polish Dinner ($25/adults; $15/children 12 and under) 1:00PM at PLAV Post 16 in Dearborn Hts., MI; call Christine for reservations, 313-522-2748.
10/1/23 Polish Sunday at Orchard Lake Schools- monthly Polish mass at 1:00pm with dinner to follow ($20); submit reservations a week earlier: bernardwitek@yahoo.com.
10/7/23 PAC-MI sponsored wreath laying, to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth, at 3:00PM at Mikołaj Kopernik statue, next to Detroit Main Library.
10/7& 8/23 Art on the Lake- Fine Arts Show and Sale; 10:00-4:00pm; on Orchard Lake Schools campus; for details, contact: abieciuk@picrol.org.
10/8/23 Pulaski Day observances (mass, program, dinner) Our Lady of the Scapular, mass at 1:30pm followed by PAVA Post 95 sponsored program in Pulaski Park and dinner at Post 95, in Wyandotte.
10/14/23 Polish parliamentary elections in US for Polish citizens (locally at APCC in Troy); call PAC-MI office for information.
10/14/23 Klub Polonia social event-dance with refreshments- at Our Lady of the Scapular social hall; details to follow.
10/15/23 Chopiniana concert at 3:00 pm followed by dinner, at APCC in Troy; for information, call Jackie, 586-558-3624.
10/16/23 PAC-MI brainstorming meeting at PAC headquarters at 6:30pm (PAC-MI members, delegates, chairmen, officers).
10/22/23 PACCC Pulaski awards banquet at Barrister Gardens St. Clair Shores, MI 12:00-4:00 PM; advanced reservations and payment ($60/adults, $35/children); for info call Stella, 313-680-4548
10/24-25/23 PAC annual National Directors meeting in Chicago
11/11/23 PAC-MI annual radiothon 8:30-11:00; Call ins with pledges to Polish Varieties Radio, 248-557-3500
11/12/23 Polish Scouting Organization sponsored Polish Independence Day mass and banquet at Our Lady ofCzęstochowa, Sterling Hts., MI; details to follow.
12/2/23 Next PAC-MI quarterly meeting at 10:00 am at PAC-MI headquarters.
9/24/23 PNA “Dożynki” Autumn Harvest Polish Dinner ($25/adults; $15/children 12 and under) 1:00PM at PLAV Post 16 in Dearborn Hts., MI; call Christine for reservations, 313-522-2748.
10/1/23 Polish Sunday at Orchard Lake Schools- monthly Polish mass at 1:00pm with dinner to follow ($20); submit reservations a week earlier: bernardwitek@yahoo.com.
10/7/23 PAC-MI sponsored wreath laying, to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth, at 3:00PM at Mikołaj Kopernik statue, next to Detroit Main Library.
10/7& 8/23 Art on the Lake- Fine Arts Show and Sale; 10:00-4:00pm; on Orchard Lake Schools campus; for details, contact: abieciuk@picrol.org.
10/8/23 Pulaski Day observances (mass, program, dinner) Our Lady of the Scapular, mass at 1:00pm followed by PAVA Post 95 sponsored program in Pulaski Park and dinner at Post 95, in Wyandotte.
10/14/23 Polish parliamentary elections in US for Polish citizens (locally at APCC in Troy); call PAC-MI office for information.
10/14/23 Klub Polonia social event-dance with refreshments- at Our Lady of the Scapular social hall; details to follow.
10/15/23 Chopiniana concert at 3:00 pm followed by dinner, at APCC in Troy; for information, call Jackie, 586-558-3624.
10/16/23 PAC-MI brainstorming meeting at PAC headquarters at 6:30pm (PAC-MI members, delegates, chairmen, officers).
10/22/23 PACCC Pulaski awards banquet at Barrister Gardens St. Clair Shores, MI 12:00-4:00 PM; advanced reservations and payment ($60/adults, $35/children); for info call Stella, 313-680-4548
10/24-25/23 PAC annual National Directors meeting in Chicago
11/11/23 PAC-MI annual radiothon 8:30-11:00; Call ins with pledges to Polish Varieties Radio, 248-557-3500
11/12/23 Polish Scouting Organization sponsored Polish Independence Day mass and banquet at Our Lady ofCzęstochowa, Sterling Hts., MI; details to follow.
12/2/23 Next PAC-MI quarterly meeting at 10:00 am at PAC-MI headquarters.
9/24/23 PNA “Dożynki” Autumn Harvest Polish Dinner ($25/adults; $15/children 12 and under) 1:00PM at PLAV Post 16 in Dearborn Hts., MI; call Christine for reservations, 313-522-2748.
10/1/23 Polish Sunday at Orchard Lake Schools- monthly Polish mass at 1:00pm with dinner to follow ($20); submit reservations a week earlier: bernardwitek@yahoo.com.
10/7/23 PAC-MI sponsored wreath laying, to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Copernicus’ birth, at 3:00PM at Mikołaj Kopernik statue, next to Detroit Main Library.
10/7& 8/23 Art on the Lake- Fine Arts Show and Sale; 10:00-4:00pm; on Orchard Lake Schools campus; for details, contact: abieciuk@picrol.org.
10/8/23 Pulaski Day observances (mass, program, dinner) Our Lady of the Scapular, mass at 1:00pm followed by PAVA Post 95 sponsored program in Pulaski Park and dinner at Post 95, in Wyandotte.
10/14/23 Polish parliamentary elections in US for Polish citizens (locally at APCC in Troy); call PAC-MI office for information.
10/14/23 Klub Polonia social event-dance with refreshments- at Our Lady of the Scapular social hall; details to follow.
10/15/23 Chopiniana concert at 3:00 pm followed by dinner, at APCC in Troy; for information, call Jackie, 586-558-3624.
10/16/23 PAC-MI brainstorming meeting at PAC headquarters at 6:30pm (PAC-MI members, delegates, chairmen, officers).
10/22/23 PACCC Pulaski awards banquet at Barrister Gardens St. Clair Shores, MI 12:00-4:00 PM; advanced reservations and payment ($60/adults, $35/children); for info call Stella, 313-680-4548
10/24-25/23 PAC annual National Directors meeting in Chicago
11/11/23 PAC-MI annual radiothon 8:30-11:00; Call ins with pledges to Polish Varieties Radio, 248-557-3500
11/12/23 Polish Scouting Organization sponsored Polish Independence Day mass and banquet at Our Lady ofCzęstochowa, Sterling Hts., MI; details to follow.
12/2/23 Next PAC-MI quarterly meeting at 10:00 am at PAC-MI headquarters.
Quarterly General Meeting
Polish American Congress
Michigan Division
Quarterly General Meeting
Monday, September 18, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
at PAC-MI Office
11333 Jos. Campau, Hamtramck
Office:(313) 365-9400
Please notice, there is no charge for
parking in Hamtramck,