The Polish American Congress and Ukraine Congress Committee of America have issued a joint statement titled “Implement a Meaningful Approach to Deter Kremlin Aggression Against Ukraine.”
Michigan Division
The Polish American Congress and Ukraine Congress Committee of America have issued a joint statement titled “Implement a Meaningful Approach to Deter Kremlin Aggression Against Ukraine.”
In accordance with the by-laws of the Polish American Congress, Michigan Division, a call is issued to all members in good standing for nominations of officers, directors, and auditors who will be elected for two-year terms of office at the Annual Meeting and Election at Our Lady Queen of Apostles parish hall (Fr. Ted Blaszczyk Hall) 3851 Prescott St. Hamtramck, MI 48212 on Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 1:30pm.
Written nominations for all elective offices shall be submitted to the Nominating Committee not less than thirty days before the date of the annual meeting.
Nominations must be postmarked or hand delivered, by Saturday, February 23, 2022, or personally delivered by, to the Nominations Committee, PAC Michigan Division office at 11333 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck 48212.
In each nomination, submitted by any member or organization in good standing, the name of the candidate and the office for which he or she is being nominated must be written.
Elective Offices
The PAC Michigan Division will be electing new individuals to govern, guide and manage the Division locally for the next two years. The offices for which elections are to be held are as follows:
Executive Officers: President, Executive Vice-President, Vice President for American Affairs, Vice President for Polish Affairs, Treasurer, Recording Secretary for Membership Meetings, Recording Secretary for Executive Board Meetings, Corresponding Secretary.
3 National Directors and one Alternate to represent the Division at National PAC meetings around the country.
12 Michigan Board of Directors, at minimum, to represent local organizations and institutions and give advice to the Executive Board
3 Audit Committee Members Eligibility Requirements
The eligibility of candidates for election to all offices in the Michigan Division is as follows:
1. The candidate – either an individual member or a delegate of an organizational member – must have been a member of the PAC Michigan Division for at least one year prior to the date of the election (i.e., prior to April 23, 2021)
2. Candidates are members in good standing by having all dues paid through December 31, 2021. In addition, candidates for the Executive Offices must have attended at least one quarterly membership meeting during the 12 months preceding the date of the election meeting.
The Nominating Committee shall verify the eligibility and willingness of each candidate nominated. The Nominating Committee shall then make its report and present a list of nominations at the annual meeting where elections are to be held.
There will be no nominations from the floor unless there is no nominated candidate for a position. If there are 2 or more candidates for a position, voting is by secret ballot. Each member in good standing will receive a voting card to vote when registering in for the meeting. To be eligible to vote, a member is considered in good standing if his PAC-MI 2021 membership dues have been paid.
Ann Bankowski, PAC-MI President Hon. John M. Chmura, PAC-MI Election Chairman
January 10, 2022
PAC National Directors’ Internet Forum
Dear PAC National Directors,
I was very happy to hear about the recent virtual meeting with the new US Ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski, with a number of representatives of Polonian groups. I was also heartened by Mr. Spula’s presence and his remarks about President Trump keeping his word to support Poland. President Wilson also understood the importance of Poland to the future of peace in Europe, as did the then future 31st President, Herbert Hoover, when visiting post war and newly forming Poland in 1919. During that visit he witnessed a heartbreaking scene in Warsaw. Twenty five thousand children had walked barefoot to pay him homage. Within hours he telegraphed for help and 700,000 overcoats and 700,000 pairs of shoes were shipped to Poland before the onset of winter.
We earnestly hope that President Biden, and his closest advisors, recognize the need for such support and protecting the integrity of Poland’s borders. God forbid that any “Yalta like” decisions are made. I believe that Polish American Congress can play a critical role, during these perilous times, in leading a unified and organized Polonia in calling out our desire to protect and defend Poland. Its safety and prosperity affect us all here in US. I look at the meeting with the ambassador as a game changer and a reminder that several developments need to occur as soon as possible:
3. President Spula can benefit by surrounding himself with people knowledgeable on issues and world developments leading to more energetic action plans our times demand.
Such increased attention and efforts help to pay back the debt we owe to the 25,000 Polish volunteers who left families, jobs and their comforts and went to fight for Poland during WWI and afterwards in Poland. We continue to help and fortify ourselves and our ethnic group in America when we NEVER lose our fighting spirit.
Ann Bankowski, President
Polish American Congress-Michigan Division
Dear Friends of Ukraine,
The threats to Ukraine’s sovereignty and security are multi-faceted, including the potential completion of the NordStream2 political pipeline. Given the continued threat of Kremlin aggression against Ukraine, the NordStream2 project is still active and we must pursue all measures to halt its future operation.
To raise the profile of the NordStream2 pipeline sanctions, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) urges you to contact your senators to support S.3436, the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Implementation Act. The vote for the bill in the U.S. Senate is scheduled for no later than January 14th. An article about the bill is provided in a link below:
Please contact your senators’ offices and express your deep concern about the security vacuum which would occur should the NordStream2 project be operational. Below (and attached) please find an Action Item and sample letter for your convenience. To contact your senators, please visit
Your communication with your senators will denote the importance and urgency to stop the completion of the political pipeline.
Sample Text to Senators
Dear Senator (name):
As a constituent, please support S.3436, the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Implementation Act, a bill that enhances sanctions against the completion of Russia’s NordStream2 political project. Current Russian threats against Ukraine, including the completion of the NordStream2 pipeline, threaten the security of a Europe “whole, free, and at peace.”
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) at:
Michael Sawkiw, Jr.
UCCA Executive Vice President
Director – Ukrainian National Information Service
(Washington Bureau – Ukrainian Congress Committee of America)
Ukrainian National Information Service
311 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002
tel: (202) 547-0018
fax: (202) 547-0019
Twitter/Instagram: @UNISdirect
Visit us on the web at:
John Czop
Director of Policy Planning
Polish American Congress
1612 K Street, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20006
Tel.: (202) 296-6955
Fax: (202) 835-1565
Join us on Facebook:
Join us on LinkedIn:
John Czop
Director of Policy Planning
Polish American Congress
1612 K Street, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20006
The Polish American Congress (PAC) is a U.S. umbrella organization of Polish-Americans and Polish-American organizations. Its membership is composed of fraternal, educational, veterans, religious, cultural, social, business, and political organizations, as well as individuals.
Polish American Congress, Michigan Division
2975 E Maple Rd, Troy, MI 48083
Phone: (313) 365-9400
Tuesday 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
© 2025 · Polish American Congress