Urgent Information




Dear Friends of Ukraine,



The threats to Ukraine’s sovereignty and security are multi-faceted, including the potential completion of the NordStream2 political pipeline.  Given the continued threat of Kremlin aggression against Ukraine, the NordStream2 project is still active and we must pursue all measures to halt its future operation.  


To raise the profile of the NordStream2 pipeline sanctions, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) urges you to contact your senators to support S.3436, the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Implementation Act.  The vote for the bill in the U.S. Senate is scheduled for no later than January 14th.  An article about the bill is provided in a link below:



Please contact your senators’ offices and express your deep concern about the security vacuum which would occur should the NordStream2 project be operational.  Below (and attached) please find an Action Item and sample letter for your convenience.  To contact your senators, please visit www.senate.gov


Your communication with your senators will denote the importance and urgency to stop the completion of the political pipeline.









Sample Text to Senators


Dear Senator (name):


As a constituent, please support S.3436, the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Implementation Act, a bill that enhances sanctions against the completion of Russia’s NordStream2 political project.  Current Russian threats against Ukraine, including the completion of the NordStream2 pipeline, threaten the security of a Europe “whole, free, and at peace.”


Your support is greatly appreciated.







Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) at:  unis.sawkiw@gmail.com.





Michael Sawkiw, Jr.
UCCA Executive Vice President


Director – Ukrainian National Information Service
(Washington Bureau – Ukrainian Congress Committee of America)
Ukrainian National Information Service
311 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002
tel:  (202) 547-0018
fax:  (202) 547-0019
e-mail:  unis.sawkiw@gmail.com
Twitter/Instagram:  @UNISdirect
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ukrainian-National-Information-Service-UNIS/198575390157933


Visit us on the web at:  www.ucca.org








John Czop


Director of Policy Planning



Polish American Congress

1612 K Street, NW, Suite 1200

Washington, DC 20006

Tel.: (202) 296-6955

Fax: (202) 835-1565

Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Polish-American-Congress

Join us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/polishamericancongress







John Czop


Director of Policy Planning



Polish American Congress

1612 K Street, NW, Suite 1200

Washington, DC 20006

Narodowe Święto Niepodległości

Polish Independence Day

Narodowe Święto Niepodległości

 Polish Independence Day

Serdecznie Zapraszamy Całą na uroczyste obchody 

                                                Narodowego Święta Niepodległości!  

Kongres Polonii, wraz wydziałowymi organizacjami, serdecznie zaprasza całą Polonię do uroczystych obchodów Niepodległości Polski przez udział we mszy św. w kościele Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej w niedziele 14-go listopada o 1:00pp oraz w Towarzyskim Kominku zaraz po mszy na Sali Jana Pawła II-go. Wszyscy są gorąco proszeni- młodszi i starsi, weteranie, parafianie, członkowie chórów, rodzina harcerska, oraz każdy który odczuwa jaki kolwiek patriotyczny sentyment.

Przewidziany jest śpiew i ciekawy program.     Zapraszamy!

Inline image

Polish American Congress along, with its Divisional organizations, invites you to celebrate Polish Independence Day on Sunday, November 14, with Mass at 1:00pm at Our Lady of Częstochowa Church, 3100 18 Mile Rd. in Sterling Heights and a celebratory gathering to follow in the parish hall, featuring singing of patriotic songs and an interesting program for all to enjoy- young and old .

                                                        We invite everyone in Polonia to join us!


Polish Independence Day


Polonia Calendar

calendar web site

calendar web site


Polonia Calendar

calendar web site

An Invitation and Earnest Appeal to Come Together ~ First Sunday, Polish Mass at Orchard Lake

Dear PAC Officers and Chairpersons!

I extend this invitation on behalf of PAC-MI and all who care about our beloved Orchard Lake.


There is commotion within Polonia re OLS and the Seminary closing. There is much controversy, many emotions, and many opinions being expressed. However we feel there is one very positive and important way we can come together- in prayer.


I attach the invitation for each of you to join Polonia on Sunday, October 3, 2021 for 1:00 pm Polish mass at the St. John Paul II Shrine on the OLS campus.


Our appeal to you: Let us fill the Shrine Chapel!


Please come and let others know of this opportunity for us to come together and make our supplications known to our Lord. May He hear us and direct us in the right direction.


Sent from Mail for Windows


” src=”blob:https://www.pacmi.org/f7177539-e958-4f1a-a523-f87693632ef8″ alt=”October 3 Polish mass at OLS_info.pdf” type=”application/x-apple-msg-attachment” class=”Apple-web-attachment” style=”font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: auto; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration: none; caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: ArialMT; background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254); opacity: 1;”>An Invitation

Sharing communication re: the proposed Resolution

Dear Friends,

I wanted to share with you the news that House Resolution 664 about Poland was officially introduced




I wanted to thank Zbyszek Koralewski and the PAC-Long Island division for working with Rep. Suozzi and getting this done, as it is a great text.


I think we also should appreciate a lot president Bankowski’s efforts to make us aware of this resolution so that more of us got involved in the process.


I understand that the PAC-Western New York and president Lawicki were instrumental in securing two co-sponsors – Reps. Higgins and Jacobs, which also merits great praise.


Since I have some understanding how difficult proper advocacy can be, I have highest praise for this effort and that Zbyszek and his division succeeded in getting this text published.


The next step would be to persuade the House Foreign Affairs committee to adopt this resolution.


Here is the list of members.




I think we should try to reach out to those members where we have contacts.



Resolution Information!

Resolution Information for PAC-MI

Legislative Alert

Recently our PAC-MI Division was called on to inform Polonia in Michigan and help seek support for a laudable congressional resolution about Poland, entitled: “Commemorating the anniversary of the Invasion of Poland and recognizing the importance of the United States alliance with the Republic of Poland.”

It is to be introduced this month to the US House of Representatives by Rep. Thomas Suozzi (Democrat from New York).

The resolution brings attention to the suffering and losses experienced by the nation of Poland during WWII, commemorating the attack on September 1, 1939, which inaugurated the Second World War and the subsequent occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany until 1945. It also underscores and appeals for continuing the long held strong alliance between Poland and the US which can be mutually very beneficial.

Below please read the wording of this resolution as well as a few points of information in how we can work to strengthen its support and passage in Congress.

RESOLUTION: Commemorating the anniversary of the Invasion of Poland and recognizing the importance of the United States alliance with the Republic of Poland.


Whereas on September 1, 1939, German forces led by Adolf Hitler attacked the Republic of Poland;


Whereas on September 17, 1939, Soviet forces led by Joseph Stalin attacked the Republic of Poland;


Whereas subsequent to the completion of the invasion, the Republic of Poland was divided under the terms of the “German–Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty”;


Whereas Adolf Hitler issued the command to invade with orders “to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language”;


Whereas in Poland, a traditionally tolerant country that was home to Europe’s largest Jewish population, German occupying forces established death camps where millions were murdered;


Whereas Poland lost a higher percentage of its population than any other nation in World War II due to the genocide perpetrated by occupying forces;


Whereas relations between the United States and Poland date back several centuries;


Whereas Polish settlers first arrived in Jamestown in 1608;


Whereas the current relationship between the United States and the Republic of Poland is deep and mutually beneficial to both countries;


Whereas since the collapse of communism in Europe, the Republic of Poland’s prosperity and integration into Western institutions has provided a model for other countries in the region;



Whereas the addition of the Republic of Poland to NATO in 1999 has strengthened the alliance and provided a crucial bulwark against aggression by Russia;


Whereas the Department of State describes the Republic of Poland as “a stalwart ally in Central Europe and one of the United States’ strongest partners in fostering security and prosperity regionally, throughout Europe, and the world’;


;…Now, therefore, be it


Resolved, That the House of Representatives—


(1) honors the millions of Poles who lost their lives during the invasion and occupation of Poland;


(2) encourages increased education about the atrocities committed by German forces led by Adolf Hitler against the Poles;


(3) recognizes the critical role that the Republic of Poland plays in maintaining stability and security in Europe;


(4) calls for the strengthening and broadening of diplomatic, economic, and security ties between the United States and the Republic of Poland.


How might we help gain support for this resolution?

Steven Peterson, senior legislative assistant to Congressman Suozzi (Senior Legislative Assistant-Congressman Thomas R. Suozzi (NY-03)407 Cannon HOB | Washington, D.C. 20515 Office: (202) 225-3335 | Fax: (202) 225-4669 http://suozzi.house.gov)  requests that Polish American organizations and members of Polonia contact their US Representatives (depending on the district they live in) asking them to co-sponsor this resolution along with Congressman Suozzi. Later, once it comes before the whole House for a vote, we should summon our US Representative to vote in support of the resolution. If you have any questions or would like more information about the resolution, you may contact Steven Peterson.

Contact can be made by, email, letter, or telephone call to your representative. Be sure to state in your introduction, when calling or writing, that you are a voting constituent in the representative’s district. Remember to state the title of the resolution you are contacting them about. Telephone calls provide the opportunity to leave a voice mail message. See who represents your district: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/MI where you will enter your 8 digit zip code and find a link or Google your representative by name for specific contact information. As of January 2021, current US House Delegation from Michigan: