In accordance with the by-laws of the Polish American Congress, Michigan Division, a call is issued to all members in good standing for nominations of officers, directors, and auditors who will be elected for two-year terms of office at the Annual Meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at the Polish National Alliance Hall, 10211 Conant, Hamtramck, Michigan.
Written nominations for all elective offices shall be submitted to the Nominating Committee not less than thirty days before the date of the annual meeting.
Nominations must be postmarked (“registered mail” is suggested) or personally delivered by Friday, February 13, 2015, to the Nominations Committee, PAC Michigan Division office at 11333 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck 48212.
Nominations shall have the name of each candidate and the office to which he or she is being nominated and may be submitted by any member or organization in good standing.
The PAC Michigan Division will be electing new individuals to govern, guide and manage the Division locally for the next two years. The offices for which elections are to be held are as follows:
Executive Officers: President, Executive Vice-President, Vice President for American Affairs, Vice President for Polish Affairs, Treasurer, Recording Secretary for Membership Meetings, Recording Secretary for Executive Board Meetings, Corresponding Secretary.
National Directors to represent the Division at National PAC meetings around the country.
Michigan Board of Directors to represent local organizations and institutions and give advice to the Executive Board
Audit Committee (5 positions)
The eligibility of candidates for election to all offices in the Michigan Division is as follows:
(1) The candidate – either an individual member or a delegate of an organizational member – must have been a member of the PAC Michigan Division for at least one year prior to the date of the election (i.e., prior to March 14, 2015) and
(2) are members in good standing by having all dues paid through 2014. In addition, candidates for the Executive Offices must have attended at least one quarterly membership meeting during the 12 months preceding the date of the election meeting.
The Nominating Committee shall verify the eligibility and willingness of each candidate nominated. The Nominating Committee shall then make its report and present a list of nominations at the annual meeting where elections are to be held.