Sharing communication re: the proposed Resolution

Dear Friends,

I wanted to share with you the news that House Resolution 664 about Poland was officially introduced


I wanted to thank Zbyszek Koralewski and the PAC-Long Island division for working with Rep. Suozzi and getting this done, as it is a great text.


I think we also should appreciate a lot president Bankowski’s efforts to make us aware of this resolution so that more of us got involved in the process.


I understand that the PAC-Western New York and president Lawicki were instrumental in securing two co-sponsors – Reps. Higgins and Jacobs, which also merits great praise.


Since I have some understanding how difficult proper advocacy can be, I have highest praise for this effort and that Zbyszek and his division succeeded in getting this text published.


The next step would be to persuade the House Foreign Affairs committee to adopt this resolution.


Here is the list of members.


I think we should try to reach out to those members where we have contacts.